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What is professional liability insurance?

Professional liability insurance helps cover you and your company if you make a mistake in the professional services given to a customer or client. This coverage is also known as errors and omissions insurance (E&O). Even if you’re an expert in your business, mistakes happen. And if your client or customer thinks a mistake in your professional services caused a financial loss, they can sue you.

What Does Professional Liability Insurance Cover?

Professional liability insurance for small businesses helps cover claims of:


  • Negligence

  • Misrepresentation

  • Inaccurate advice

  • Personal injury, like libel or slander

Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, your client can still sue your business if they believe you’ve made a mistake. Without coverage, you’ll have to pay expensive legal defense costs out of pocket. For Example:

  • Your accounting firm makes a clerical error that costs your client thousands of dollars.

  • A client sues your florist shop for errors in the services you provided after you failed to deliver flowers on time for their wedding.

  • Your real estate firm recently sold a townhouse to a couple that was planning on starting a daycare. However, when the couple moved in, the townhouse association informed them they couldn’t use the property for a business. The new owners decide to sue you for negligence.

Who needs professional liability insurance?

Any business that sells a professional service or gives advice should consider professional liability insurance to protect against lawsuits that arise from their mistakes.

Some states legally require that certain professionals, such as lawyers, have it before they can do business. Clients might also require that a business carry a certain amount of professional liability as part of their business contracts.


A variety of business professionals need professional liability insurance including:

  • Consultants

  • Attorneys

  • Engineers

  • Architects

  • Real estate agents

  • Insurance agents

  • Accountants

  • Home Inspectors

  • Graphic Designers

  • Healthcare Professionals

  • Interior Designers

  • Technology Professionals

Professional liability insurance quote personalized to your needs



You can get a quote by answering a few questions online, by phone, chat, or email.

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With MIAFS, you have options

As your Independent Insurance Agency, we have connections with some of the top rated insurance companies which allows us to find competitive rates and the right coverage for your business needs.


We're not bound to a single insurance carrier, we represent you and your specific needs. 


Our team of in-house specialists are experts at helping small business owners, like you, find the right insurance coverage. They’ll help you get a quote with the best coverage for your specific business and budget.

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professional liability insurance

Quote online or call for expert advice.

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